Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Qunoot in Witr

Question:  I has a question regrding the dua qunoot, i saw that in Al Bayhaqi Al Sunan al Kubra 2/211 this dua what we read is different in Bayhaqi.

Also the word in red (Mulhiq) in some versions it is like Mulhaq, and in some version after the word AZHAABAKA there is a adding of the word DJIDD. (I read in Ibn Abidin that this word is Sahih?)

Allahumma inna nasta'inuka wanastaghfiruka wa nu'minu bika wa natawakkalu alayka wa nusnee  alaykal khair wa nashkuruka wa laa nakfuruka wa nakhla'u wa natruku may yafjuruk. Allahumma iyyaaka nabudu wa laka nausallee wa nasjudu wa ilayka nas'aa wa nahfidu wa narjoo rahmataka wa nakhshaa azhaabaka inna azhaabaka bil kuffaari mulhiq.

And is the addition made by Imam Muhammad Allahumma mahdeeni..... is that also sunnah?

Anyway the qunoot what we hanafis read where is it narrated? And why these different versions?

Answer : The Qunuut Hanafis read in Witr is narrated by Abu Dawood and others and is called the qunuut of Ibn Mas^uud. It is a sunnah to say this particular Qunuut, but another similar duaa' would do if one is not able to say this particular qunuut well. It is good to add the Qunuut of Hasan (the son of Aliy and Faatimah), which is "Allahumma ihdinaa... etc.", and al-salaatu ^ala-n-nabiyy.
You can add "jidda", and thus say "inna ^adhaabaka-Jidda bi-l-kuffaari mulhiq" as was narrated by Abu Dawood and Al-Tahaawiy. The scholars differed on whether it is "mulh iq" or "mulhaq". Mulhaq seems stronger linguistically, as mentioned in Al-Qaamuus.