Question: This question relates to a 4 Rakat Sunnat Ghair Mokkada. I have seen
many poeple who do not recite durood (At Tahiyyatu and Allahumma Salli
and Allahumma Barik) in the second rakat of Sunnat Ghair Mokkada. They
perform the Sunnat Ghair - Mokkada just like the they perform the
Mokkada Sunnat. Following is the way I was told to do it. Could you
tell me if i am doing it correctly?
Rakat 1 - Subhanaka, Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times)
Rakat 2 - Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times), At
Tahiyyatu, Allahumma salli, Allahumma barik
Rakat 3 - Subhanaka, Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times)
Rakat 4 - Fatiha, A Surah, Bowing, Prostration (Two times), At
Tahiyyatu, Allahumma salli, Allahumma barik, Rabb'ana Atina
Answer: That is correct, as you do it, but add "aˆuudħu billaahi min asħ-sħayţaani r-rajiim" before the Fatiĥah in the 1st and 3rd rakat.