I ask this because i some different pratices;The first practice i noticed by many people is that:They raise their indexfinger at ''LAA'' and drop it at ''ILL ALLAH" without making a circle.The second practice which i saw some people do is that:On reaching the Shahadah (allaa) they form a circle with the thumb and middle finger and lift the index finger of the right hand and at (illaa) drop it onto the thigh while straightening the hand out immidiatly.The thirt practice which i saw a very few do is that:On reaching the Shahadah (allaa) they form a circle with the thumb and middle finger and lift the index finger of the right hand and at (illaa) drop it onto the thigh and maintain the circle and lowered indexfinger (which is still indicating to the qibla) to just before the taslim in prayer.
Please can you give me detailed info about this and tell me what Mulla Ali Qari and Ibn Abidin have stated in their treatises about pointing the indexfinger.
Answer: They both favor the third practice. This is based on what Ibn Aabidiin states in his Haashiyah, and Al-Qaariy in his Sharh Al-Muwatta. Ibn Aabidiin does not mention when to flatten the fist. What is apparent from what Al-Qaariy says is to keep it until after the salaam.